A diamond undergoes grading according to its value. There are different ways to achieve this and among them is through polish and symmetry. They determine how well a diamond’s finish and craftsmanship is.
What is a diamond’s polish all about? How can this determine a diamond’s value? How is the diamond’s polish checked?
It helps to know small details of how diamonds are being valued. Below are some simple explanations on the importance of polishing. Know how to select your diamond.
What You Should Know About Polishing and a Diamond
Planning on getting diamond rings? If so then you would want to buy those that have good value. Looking at its polish will give you a good idea of how well a diamond’s cost is.
A diamond’s polish refers to the smoothness and the surface of a diamond. When a diamond has crisp reflections and undistorted light transmissions, they are well polished.
A polished diamond can either be excellent, ideal or very good. There are available grading systems that can rate a diamond on how polished they are. Experts allow a diamond’s cut grade to be a rating higher than its polish rate.
Identifying a Diamond’s Polish Features
A diamond is a popular choice for wedding rings. This is why so many people look for ways to buy the best ones. Before you buy one, you might want to check these polish features.
- Abrasion-These are being caused by a series of nicks found on the facet or on girdle junctions.
- Burn marks- These are white-looking hazes from high temperatures. Most come from a jeweler’s torches or polishing wheels.
- Lizard skin- These are the bumpy-looking textures on the stone
- Scratch- These are transparent white lines on the surface of the stone.
- Rough girdle- These are those unpolished girdles left behind after bruting.
- Nicks- These are small notches that are on the facet or the girdle junctions.
What Matters the Most
The cut grade does rely on the diamond’s polish. But you should note that the cut itself gives the most value. A well-polished stone is great, but if you like another cut then you should go for it.
If you’re interested in the light performance of the stone then polishing will be a good factor. You may need to choose stones that have better cuts or better polishing. Go with what your budget can afford.
When you want the most “ideal” looking stone, go with a diamond in an “excellent” grade. This is the best option when it comes to a diamond that looks the most brilliant under the light.
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