Biking is a great way to stay healthy while also getting some vital fresh air and vitamin D. But depending on where you live, biking on the roads in your area might not be as safe as you might like it to be.
Regardless of this, there are things you can do to help minimize the risks you take on when road biking. To show you how this is possible, here are three tips for staying safe when biking on the road.
Stick To Bike Lanes or Bike Paths When You Can
To be as safe as possible, Sophia Breene, a contributor to, recommends that you stick to bike lanes or bike paths whenever you can. In many areas, bike paths are areas of the road that are very separated from the vehicles on the road. Because of this, you’re much safer from cars when on a bike path. However, many bike paths have speed limits that you might not want to adhere to, and bike paths also can be shared by all types of people, from those biking with their little kids to people walking.
On the other hand, bike lanes are generally a lane right next to typical traffic lanes that are meant to ensure road bikers have a safe area to travel and are given their fair share of the road when close to cars. While not as safe as a bike path when you’re talking about avoiding getting in an accident with a vehicle, bike lanes are still a safer place to bike when on the road with cars.
Keep Your Ears Clear
If you’re going to be spending a lot of time on your road bike, you might be tempted to pop in your ear buds and listen to some music or your favorite podcast while putting some miles behind you. However, according to Oli Woodman, a contributor to, shares that listening to anything with headphones makes it much harder for you to be aware of what’s going on around you.
With something playing in your ears, it will be much more difficult for you to hear car horns honking, sirens coming toward you, or other signs that could signal you of danger.
Assume The Worst
Because you’re so much more vulnerable than the cars you’re sharing the road with, it’s important that you know how to be defensive when you’re driving and ensure that you’re putting your own safety first.
Some of the best ways to do this, according to Jen Schmidt, a contributor to, is to never give drivers the benefit of the doubt when you’re on the road. If you always assume the worst and act in accordance to that, you will be able to avoid many tricky situations you might otherwise find yourself in.
To help you stay safe when biking on the road with other vehicles, consider using the tips mentioned above next time you take your road bike out.
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