Video has taken over social media. While having something witty to say in a post or comment will still help propel your brand forward, what’s really going to be the needle moving on your brand is having video content that people love, connect with, and want to share. However, creating this type of video content is not easy. Even with the right variables, it still takes a decent amount of good luck to get any real traction.
So to help move the odds even closer to your favor, here are three tips for creating videos that will get lots of views on social media.
Tell A Story
When planning out the video that you’re wanting to post on social media, arguably the first thing you should think about is the story you’re wanting to tell. Without a solid story, there’s very little chance that people are going to spend their time watching the video you’ve posted.
For your own sake, you’ll want to choose a story that also goes along with the goal that you have for your overall social media strategy as well as what you’re hoping to accomplish with this specific video. By keeping all of these things in your mind and creating a story for your video that people find compelling, you should be able to get a decent amount of views for that video.
Keep Your Most Valuable Content At The Beginning
For many people and brands, it can be tempting to put the most important or valuable information at the end of your video so that people watch the whole thing. However, while you might think that this will make people more intrigued, the opposite is often found to be true.
If you’ve promised to deliver something to your viewers in the title or thumbnail image for your video, it’s best to put that thing at the beginning of your video. This will help your viewers feel like they can get something valuable out of your content in a very short period of time, which can help you build more trust with them in the future.
Make The Right Video For The Right Platform
You can post videos on quite a few different social media platforms now. However, not every video should be posted to every platform. Certain types and lengths of videos are going to do better on specific social media platforms.
For example, longer videos tend to do better on Facebook. But on Instagram, you’ll want to stick with videos that are generally no longer than about a minute. So depending on the type of video you created and the type of brand you have, you’ll want to be sure that you’re posting it at the right time and to the right people.
If one of your goals for this year is to get more views for the videos you post, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you achieve this.
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